- Published on
- Authors
- Name
- minnie
Table of Contents
galary use tailwindcss
flex picture galary
<div className="-mx-2 flex flex-wrap overflow-hidden xl:-mx-2">
<div className="my-1 w-full overflow-hidden px-2 xl:my-1 xl:w-1/2 xl:px-2">
<div className="my-1 w-full overflow-hidden px-2 xl:my-1 xl:w-1/2 xl:px-2">
<div className="my-1 w-full overflow-hidden px-2 xl:my-1 xl:w-1/2 xl:px-2">
<div className="my-1 w-full overflow-hidden px-2 xl:my-1 xl:w-1/2 xl:px-2">
Maple photo by [Guillaume
_Title_: The Time Machine
_Author_: H. G. Wells
_Subject_: Science Fiction
_Language_: English
_Source_: [Project Gutenberg](https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35)
Syntax highlighting Inline code Blockquotes Links Images Lists Emphasis Headers
foot note
Here is a simple footnote1. With some additional text after it.
task lists
- list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported)
- this is a complete item
- this is an incomplete item
view only, we can make table use online tools
| First Header | Second Header |
| --------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2 |
| Content in the first column | Content in the second column |
Any word wrapped with two tildes (like ~~this~~
) will appear crossed out.
next.js images
Alternatively, since we are using mdx, we can just use the image component directly! Note, that you would have to provide a fixed width and height. The img tag method parses the dimension automatically.
<Image alt="ocean" src="/static/images/ocean.jpg" width={256} height={128} />
OLS Estimator
use pic
search tailwindBlog deriving-ols-estimator
# pic link
[![Deploy with Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/new/git/external?repository-url=https://github.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog)
# link nonordered list
- [Demo Blog](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/) - this repo
- [My personal blog](https://www.timlrx.com) - modified to auto-generate blog posts with dates
- Demo Blog - this repo
- My personal blog - modified to auto-generate blog posts with dates
title (required)
date (required)
tags (required, can be empty array)
lastmod (optional)
draft (optional)
summary (optional)
images (optional, if none provided defaults to socialBanner in siteMetadata config)
authors (optional list which should correspond to the file names in `data/authors`. Uses `default` if none is specified)
layout (optional list which should correspond to the file names in `data/layouts`)
canonicalUrl (optional, canonical url for the post for SEO)
title: 'Introducing Tailwind Nexjs Starter Blog'
date: '2021-01-12'
lastmod: '2021-01-18'
tags: ['next-js', 'tailwind', 'guide']
draft: false
summary: 'Looking for a performant, out of the box template, with all the best in web technology to support your blogging needs? Checkout the Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog template.'
images: ['/static/images/canada/mountains.jpg', '/static/images/canada/toronto.jpg']
authors: ['default', 'sparrowhawk']
layout: PostLayout
canonicalUrl: https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app/blog/introducing-tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog
[MIT](https://github.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog/blob/main/LICENSE) © [Timothy Lin](https://www.timrlx.com)
Nested Routes
Simplify create multiple folders inside the main /data/blog folder and add your .md/.mdx files to them. You can even create something like /data/blog/nested-route/deeply-nested-route/my-post.md
We use Next.js catch all routes to handle the routing and path creations.
<TOCInline toc={props.toc} exclude="Overview" toHeading={2} />
<TOCInline toc={props.toc} asDisclosure />
jump within the page
See [upgrade guide](#upgrade-guide) below if you are migrating from v0 version of the template.
See upgrade guide below if you are migrating from v0 version of the template.
Use the layout frontmatter field to specify the template you want to map the markdown post to. Here's how the frontmatter of this post looks like:
You can configure the default layout in the respective page section by modifying the DEFAULT_LAYOUT variable. The DEFAULT_LAYOUT for blog posts page is set to PostLayout.
title: 'New features in v1'
date: '2021-05-26 '
tags: ['next-js', 'tailwind', 'guide']
draft: false
summary: 'Introducing the new layout features - you can map mdx blog content to layout components by configuring the frontmatter field'
layout: PostSimple
We have also added support for giscus, utterances or disqus. To enable, simply configure siteMetadata.js comments property with the desired provider and settings as specified in the config file.
comment: {
// Select a provider and use the environment variables associated to it
// https://vercel.com/docs/environment-variables
provider: 'giscus', // supported providers: giscus, utterances, disqus
giscusConfig: {
// Visit the link below, and follow the steps in the 'configuration' section
// https://giscus.app/
repo: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GISCUS_REPO,
repositoryId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GISCUS_REPOSITORY_ID,
category: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GISCUS_CATEGORY,
categoryId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GISCUS_CATEGORY_ID,
mapping: 'pathname', // supported options: pathname, url, title
reactions: '1', // Emoji reactions: 1 = enable / 0 = disable
// Send discussion metadata periodically to the parent window: 1 = enable / 0 = disable
metadata: '0',
// theme example: light, dark, dark_dimmed, dark_high_contrast
// transparent_dark, preferred_color_scheme, custom
theme: 'light',
// theme when dark mode
darkTheme: 'transparent_dark',
// If the theme option above is set to 'custom`
// please provide a link below to your custom theme css file.
// example: https://giscus.app/themes/custom_example.css
themeURL: '',
utterancesConfig: {
// Visit the link below, and follow the steps in the 'configuration' section
// https://utteranc.es/
issueTerm: '', // supported options: pathname, url, title
label: '', // label (optional): Comment 💬
// theme example: github-light, github-dark, preferred-color-scheme
// github-dark-orange, icy-dark, dark-blue, photon-dark, boxy-light
theme: '',
// theme when dark mode
darkTheme: '',
disqus: {
// https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1717111-what-s-a-shortname
shortname: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DISQUS_SHORTNAME,
Line highlighting and line numbers
var num1, num2, sum
num1 = prompt('Enter first number')
num2 = prompt('Enter second number')
sum = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2) // "+" means "add"
alert('Sum = ' + sum) // "+" means combine into a string
To modify the styles, change the following class selectors in the prism.css file:
.code-highlight {
@apply float-left min-w-full;
.code-line {
@apply -mx-4 block border-l-4 border-opacity-0 pl-4 pr-4;
.code-line.inserted {
@apply bg-green-500 bg-opacity-20;
.code-line.deleted {
@apply bg-red-500 bg-opacity-20;
.highlight-line {
@apply -mx-4 border-l-4 border-primary-500 bg-gray-700 bg-opacity-50;
.line-number::before {
@apply -ml-2 mr-4 inline-block w-4 text-right text-gray-400;
content: attr(line);
rehype-citation plugin is added to the xdm processing pipeline in v1.2.1. This allows you to easily format citations and insert bibliography from an existing bibtex or CSL-json file.
Standard citation [@Nash1950]
In-text citations e.g. @Nash1951
Multiple citations [see @Nash1950; @Nash1951, page 50]
embed video
<video controls>
To solve this, I have abstracted the logic to a separate repository - Pliny. Pliny provides out of the box Next.js components to enhance static sites:
Choose your preferred service by modifying siteMetadata.js and changing the appropriate fields. For example to change from Umami Analytics to Plausible, we can change the following fields:
- Analytics
- Google Analytics
- Plausible Analytics
- Simple Analytics
- Umami Analytics
- Posthog
- Comments
- Disqus
- Giscus
- Utterances
- Newsletter (uses Next 13 API Routes)
- Buttondown
- Convertkit
- Email Octopus
- Klaviyo
- Mailchimp
- Revue
- Command palette search with tailwind style sheet
- Algolia
- Kbar (local search)
- UI utility components
- Bleed
- Newsletter / Blog Newsletter
- Pre / Code block
- Table of Contents
analytics: {
- umamiAnalytics: {
- // We use an env variable for this site to avoid other users cloning our analytics ID
- umamiWebsiteId: process.env.NEXT_UMAMI_ID, // e.g. 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
- },
+ plausibleAnalytics: {
+ plausibleDataDomain: '', // e.g. tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.vercel.app
+ },
algolia or kbar
Kbar is a fast, portable, and extensible cmd+k interface. The pliny implementation uses kbar to create a local search dialog box. The component loads a JSON file, default search.json, that was created in the contentlayer build process. Try pressing ⌘-k or ctrl-k to see the search bar in action!
My reference. ↩